“Soil Constructor” is a complex organic fertilizer of a new generation!


The product is made using a special technology from peat – it is a highly concentrated humic preparation of prolonged action. It acts on the plant during the entire period of growth and development – from seed germination to harvest. And also contributes to the improvement of soil quality indicators. The fertilizer is organic and environmentally friendly, as it is made using modern technologies.

About the product

Organic complex fertilizer «SOIL CONSTRUCTOR»   

 More detailed:

“Soil Constructor” is made using a special technology from peat without the use of chemicals, therefore it is a 100% organic product, environmentally friendly and safe for humans and the environment. It is a highly concentrated drug of prolonged action, which has a beneficial effect on plants from seed germination to harvest.

In peat, humic molecules are small in size. Thanks to the innovative production technology of “Soil Constructor”, most of them (fulvic acids and a number of other compounds, of which there are many in humin) it activates and acts on plants during the entire period of their growth and development – from seed germination to harvest. “Soil Constructor” it is almost completely dissolved in water, so it is quickly absorbed into the ground after spraying and is able to immediately penetrate the plant cell at the seed germination stage, giving it growth energy and increasing the root system. Thus, the plant tolerates both drought and frost better during the most vulnerable period – at the initial stage of growth, which is especially important for countries and regions with arid climates. Further, at the stage of flowering, humic acid molecules are included, which have already decomposed to a size capable of penetrating into the plant cell, and the effect of the drug continues until harvest. And even after harvesting, “Soil Constructor” continues to have its beneficial effect on the soil, preparing it for new crops.

The results of using “Soil Constructor” showed that if for 3 years farms used our Drug in full accordance with our recommendations, the structure significantly improved and soil fertility increased.

Organic complex fertilizer “Soil Constructor” is specially created:

Presentation of "Soil Constructor"

Please read the presentation of the complex organic fertilizer “Soil Constructor”

Для сельского хозяйства

For agriculture

  • Increasing yields
  • Improving soil fertility
  • Protecting plants from stress

Для сельского хозяйства

For soil restoration

  • Disinfection of excavated soils
  • Creation of soils with specified properties
  • Restoration of polluted territories

Для сельского хозяйства

For a home garden

  • Protection of plants from weather conditions
  • Improving the quality and quantity of the crop
  • Environmentally friendly farming


for use

Universal recommendations for the use of organic fertilizer “Soil Constructor”       

For processing 1 hectare of the field, from 1 liter of product is used. Taking into account different types of crops, as well as different geographical and climatic conditions. We recommend contacting our specialists who, based on your needs and conditions, will select specific recommendations for the use of organic fertilizer “Soil Constructor”.

The success of the use ofSoil Constructor” depends on the correct processing and strict adherence to the recommendations.

Download a booklet with universal recommendations on cultures:

Deliveries are carried out in Russia and abroad

We offer deliveries in Russia and abroad

In large and small batches. By motor transport and railway transport throughout Russia, as well as to the countries of the near and far abroad. In the package:

Eurocup 1000L

We carry out deliveries by Eurocubes with a volume of 1000 liters, by motor transport, railway transport, by sea.

Cans (PET) 20 liters

Cans (PET) 20 liters, 24 pieces per pallet.

Cans (PET) 10 liters

Cans (PET) 10 liters, 40 pieces on a pallet.

Bottle (PET) 1 liter

Packing 20 bottles of 1 liter

 Contact us

3 + 3 =

Moscow, Leninskaya Sloboda
str., 19, Omega Plaza Business Center, office 2032

Work schedule

Mon-Fri: 10.00-18.00
Sat-Sun: Weekends

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