SOIL CONSTRUCTOR – is a rich harvest from the first application!
Organic complex fertilizer “SOIL CONSTRUCTOR”
“Soil Constructor” is made using a special technology from peat without the use of chemicals, therefore it is a 100% organic product, environmentally friendly and safe for humans and the environment. It is a highly concentrated drug of prolonged action, which has a beneficial effect on plants from seed germination to harvest.
The use of complex organic fertilizer “Soil Constructor” in the processing of agricultural plants is the basis of high yields
Pre-sowing tillage with “Soil Constructor” can be carried out, for example, during the disking of the soil on stubble and simultaneously with the introduction of nitrogen or other fertilizers.
It is recommended to use the fertilizer “Soil Constructor” together with CAS (carbamide-ammonia mixture) and other mineral and organic fertilizers. In this case, the amount of these fertilizers can be reduced by 20-30% of the usual amount.
The combined use of chemical plant protection products with the fertilizer “Soil Constructor” allows plants to become more stress-resistant to the effects of these agrochemicals, significantly reduces the recovery period of plants and does not allow elements harmful to human health to penetrate into the fruits.
The organic fertilizer “Soil Constructor” is developed for use in crop production, its main properties are:
- increases the yield of various crops from 10-30% (cereals, cotton) to 40-50% or more (vegetables, melons);
- it allows to reduce the consumption rates of agrochemicals, including ammonium nitrate by 30-50%, phosphorus fertilizers by 20-40%, at the same time relieves stress from their effects;
- increases plant resistance to bacterial and fungal diseases;
- activates the development of the root system of plants and their respiration;
- improves the quality of products: increases the content of vitamins, sugars, proteins in it;
- reduces the content of harmful substances – nitrates, radionuclides and the residual content of chemicals in products;
- improves the survival rate of seedlings, seedlings and seedlings during transplantation;
- prolongs the vegetation period of plants by an average of 10-12 days;
- increases the water-holding capacity of soils by 20-30%;
- increases the resistance of plants to adverse environmental conditions (drought, excessive moisture, frost, etc.);
- increases soil fertility by renewing and activating the complex of soil microorganisms;
- binds residues of pesticides, heavy metals and other toxic substances in soils, which prevents their entry into fruits, groundwater and the atmosphere.
Organic complex fertilizer "SoilConstructor"
“SoilConstructor” is made using a special technology from peat without the use of chemicals, therefore it is a 100% organic product, environmentally friendly and safe for humans and the environment. It is a highly concentrated drug of prolonged action, which has a beneficial effect on plants from seed germination to harvest.
The use of the drug "SoilConstructor" in the processing of agricultural plants is the basis of high yields
Pre-sowing tillage with “SoilConstructor” can be carried out, for example, during the disking of the soil on stubble and simultaneously with the introduction of nitrogen or other fertilizers.
It is recommended to use the fertilizer “SoilConstructor” together with CAS (carbamide-ammonia mixture) and other mineral and organic fertilizers. In this case, the amount of these fertilizers can be reduced by 20-30% of the usual amount.
The combined use of chemical plant protection products with the fertilizer “SoilConstructor” allows plants to become more stress-resistant to the effects of these agrochemicals, significantly reduces the recovery period of plants and does not allow elements harmful to human health to penetrate into the fruits.
The organic fertilizer "SoilConstructor" is developed for use in crop production, its main properties are:
- increases the yield of various crops from 10-30% (cereals, cotton) to 40-50% or more (vegetables, melons);
- reduces the consumption rates of agrochemicals, including ammonium nitrate by 30-50%, phosphorus fertilizers by 20-40%, simultaneously relieves stress from their effects;
- increases plant resistance to bacterial and fungal diseases;
- activates the development of the root system of plants and their respiration;
- improves the quality of products: increases the content of vitamins, sugars, proteins in it;
- reduces the content of harmful substances – nitrates, radionuclides and the residual content of chemicals in products;
- improves the survival rate of seedlings, seedlings and seedlings during transplantation;
- prolongs the vegetation period of plants by an average of 10-12 days;
- increases the water-holding capacity of soils by 20-30%;
- increases the resistance of plants to adverse environmental conditions (drought, excessive moisture, frost, etc.);
- increases soil fertility by renewing and activating the complex of soil microorganisms;
- binds residues of pesticides, heavy metals and other toxic substances in soils, which prevents their entry into fruits, groundwater and the atmosphere.
The difference between the fertilizer "SoilConstructor" from similar products:
Humic preparations from coal have the sizes of particles of humic substances of very large size, they cannot penetrate immediately into the plant cell, it takes time for their decomposition into smaller ones (under the influence of water, light, heat). Thus, they can begin their action only during the flowering period and the ovary of fruits, or even later. But by this time the plant may approach weakened or simply die from drought or frost. These preparations are made in the form of solid powders or granules that are slightly soluble in water, and therefore only a small part of them gets into the soil and works. A significant part of the humates from coal is simply washed away by rains from the fields. The efficiency coefficient of their use is very low.
All humic preparations from coal and the vast majority of humates from sapropel and other raw materials, similar in appearance, but not in content, to “SoilConstructor”, are produced using chemicals and high temperatures, which greatly reduces the activity and efficiency of the humic substances contained in these preparations. In addition, as a result of the use of chemicals in their production, these drugs are not environmentally friendly, as well as chemicals in the composition of humates can have a negative effect on plants at high concentrations or if the scope of application is not observed. The fertilizer “SoilConstructor” is manufactured using a special technology, without the use of chemicals. It is environmentally friendly and safe for plants.
Field experiments to assess the yield of corn in comparison with other domestic humic preparations:

Corn harvest from the control plot without processing

Corn harvest from a control plot treated with humate from another manufacturer

Corn harvest from a plot treated with a complex fertilizer “Soil Constructor”
The conducted studies on the use of the drug “Soil Constructor” show its high efficiency. You can get acquainted with the field tests in this section.
For the effective use of the fertilizer “Soil Constructor”, general recommendations for its use for almost all major crops have been developed and tested in practice. Download recommendations for use.
If necessary, the specialists of Texchimresurs LLC will adjust these recommendations in accordance with the weather, natural and geographical features of specific regions.
Field experiments to assess the effect of “Soil Constructor” on seed germination:

Potato tubers after soaking in water

Potato tubers after soaking in water with the addition of fertilizer “Soil Constructor”
This is important!
Pre-sowing treatments with “Soil Constructor” of seeds and soil give up to 40% of the total yield increase resulting from the use of “Constructozem”.
Seed treatment with “Soil Constructor” is carried out during pre-sowing seed treatment by adding a certain amount of “Soil Constructor” to the tank mixture of agrochemicals used for seed treatment. It has been proven in practice that pre-sowing seed treatment with “Soil Constructor” makes the root system of plants much more powerful, and the plants themselves are more stress-resistant to the effects of external unfavorable factors.
For specific recommendations on the processing of seeds of various crops, see the “Recommendations for the use of a new generation of complex Humic fertilizer “Soil Constructor” in agriculture.”
This is important!

Root system from the control field (without processing)
Root system treated with Soil Constructor fertilizer (option 1)
Root system treated with Soil Constructor fertilizer (option 2)
THE DIFFERENCE between organic fertilizer “Soil Constructor” FROM SIMILAR PRODUCTS OF COMPETITORS:
Humic preparations from coal have the size of very large particles of humic substances, they cannot penetrate immediately into the plant cell, it takes time for their decomposition into smaller ones (under the influence of water, light, heat). Thus, they can begin their action only during the flowering period and the ovary of fruits, or even later. But by this time the plant can approach weakened or simply die from drought or frost. These preparations are made in the form of solid powders or granules that are slightly soluble in water, and therefore only a small part of them gets into the soil and works. A significant part of the humates from coal is simply washed away by rains from the fields. The efficiency coefficient of their use is very low.
All humic preparations from coal and the vast majority of humates from sapropel and other raw materials, similar in appearance, but not in content, to “Soil Constructor”, are produced using chemicals and high temperatures, which greatly reduces the activity and efficiency of the humic substances contained in these preparations. In addition, as a result of the use of chemicals in their production, these drugs are not environmentally friendly, as well as chemicals in the composition of humates can have a negative effect on plants at high concentrations or if the scope of application is not observed. The fertilizer “Soil Constructor” is manufactured using a special technology, without the use of chemicals. It is environmentally friendly and safe for plants.