Soil Constructor is a rich harvest from the first application!
The complex organic fertilizer “Soil Constructor” is designed specifically to increase the volume of yield, improve soil quality, and improve the quality of the crop.
The complex humic fertilizer “Soil Constructor” is a mixture of nutrients, including organic components such as humic acids and their salts (humates), fulvic acids and other valuable elements. These fertilizers provide plants with the necessary elements for growth and development, improve the structure of the soil and increase its fertility.
Humic acids have the property of binding and retaining moisture, which is especially important for regions where access to water is limited and when using drip irrigation systems. They also stimulate the growth of the root system of plants, improve the absorption of nutrients and increase resistance to diseases and adverse environmental factors.
The complex humic fertilizer “Soil Constructor”contains nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and other macro- and microelements.
We know how important it is to grow delicious and healthy products in your own backyard. Safe for you and your loved ones. That is why the fertilizer “Soil Constructor” is an ideal option for you. It is environmentally friendly, organic, complex – it contains only natural macro and microelements.
Purchase a complex organic fertilizer “Soil Constructor” on all popular marketplaces.
Recommendations on the use of “Soil Constructor” are presented below ⇓
Recommendations for the use of complex organic fertilizer “Soil Constructor”
Soil treatment with “Soil Constructor”:
Introduction of “Soil Constructor” before tillage (plowing, digging, loosening) no later than 2 weeks before sowing (planting) of the crop.
A solution is made: 30 ml of “Soil Constructor” is dissolved in 1 liter of water. At the rate of watering 1-3 liters of solution per soil area of 10 m2
Introduction of “Soil Constructor” before tillage (plowing, digging, loosening) no later than 2 weeks before sowing (planting) of the crop. A solution is made: 30 ml of “Soil Constructor” is dissolved in 1 liter of water. At the rate of watering 1-3 liters of solution per soil area of 10 m2
Processing of seeds, seedlings, seedlings, cuttings and planting material:
Vegetable, flower and ornamental crops, lawn grasses:
Soaking the seeds in the solution before sowing for 1 hour. Solution: dissolve 5ml of “Soil Constructor” in 1 liter of water.
Vegetable, fruit and berry, flower and ornamental crops:
Soaking in a solution of the root system of seedlings, seedlings, planting material and cuttings before planting for 2 hours. Solution:Dissolve 50 ml of “Soil Constructor” in 10 liters of water per 100 cuttings
Treatment with “SoilConstructor” by cultures
Dose of application | Time, application features |
Solution: “Soil Constructor” dilute 3 ml in 1 liter of water Consumption of the working solution: foliar top dressing – 1-3 l/ 10 m2; root top dressing – 1-3 l/10 m2 |
Top dressing of plants in the phase of 3-5 leaves and during flowering – fruiting |
Доза применения | Время, особенности применения |
Раствор: “Конструктозем”3мл разбавить в 1литре воды Расход рабочего раствора: некорневая подкормка – 1-3 л/10м2; корневая подкормка – 1-3 л/10 м2 |
Подкормка растений в фазе 3-5 листьев и в период цветения – плодоношения |
Dose of application | Time, application features |
Prepare a solution: “Soil Constructor” 5 ml dissolved in 1 liter of water per 1 kg of tubers | Spraying or short-term immersion of tubers before planting |
Solution: “Soil Constructor” 3ml dissolved in 1L of water Consumption of the working solution: foliar top dressing – 1-3 l/ 10 m2; root top dressing – 1-3 l/10 m2 |
Top dressing of plants 10-15 days after emergence and in the budding phase |
Dose of application | Time, application features |
Solution: “Soil Constructor” 3ml dissolve 1L of water Consumption of the working solution: foliar top dressing – 1-3 l/ 10 m2; root top dressing – 1-3 l/10 m2 |
Top dressing of plants in the phase of 2-5 leaves and then 1-2 times with an interval of 10-15 days |
Dose of application | Time, application features |
Solution: “SoilConstructor” 3ml dissolve 1L of water Consumption of the working solution: foliar top dressing – 1-3 l/ 10 m2; root top dressing – 1-3 l/10 m2 |
Top dressing of plants in the phase of 2-5 leaves and then 1-2 times with an interval of 10-15 days |
Dose of application | Time, application features |
Solution: “Soil Constructor” 3ml dissolved in 1L of water Consumption of the working solution: foliar top dressing – 1-3 l/ 10 m2; root top dressing – 1-3 l/10 m2 |
Top dressing of plants after planting seedlings or 10-15 days after the emergence of seedlings and during the formation of the head |
Dose of application | Time, application features |
Solution: “Soil Constructor” 3ml dissolved in 1L of water Consumption of the working solution: foliar top dressing – 1-3 l/ 10 m2; root top dressing – 1-3 l/10 m2 |
Top dressing of plants in the phase of appearance of 2-5 leaves and after 10-15 days |
Dose of application | Time, application features |
Solution: “Soil Constructor” 3ml dissolved in 1L of water Consumption of the working solution: foliar top dressing – 1-3 l/ 10 m2; root top dressing – 1-3 l/10 m2 |
Top dressing of plants in the phase of appearance of 2-5 leaves and after 10-15 days |
Dose of application | Time, application features |
Solution: “Soil Constructor” 3ml dissolved in 1L of water Consumption of the working solution: foliar top dressing – 1-3 l/ 10 m2; root top dressing – 1-3 l/10 m2 |
Top dressing of plants in spring at the beginning of the resumption of vegetation, in the budding phase and after flowering. Do not process during flowering! |
Dose of application | Time, application features |
Solution: “Soil Constructor” 300ml dissolved in 5L of water Consumption of the working solution: foliar top dressing – shrubs – 1.5-2 l /plant; trees – 5-10 l / plant; root top dressing – 5L/1m2 |
Top dressing of plants in the budding phase, after flowering, at the beginning of ovary fall and during fruit growth |
Dose of application | Time, application features |
Solution: “Soil Constructor” 300ml dissolved in 5L of water Consumption of the working solution: foliar top dressing – shrubs – 1.5-2 l /plant; trees – 5-10 l / plant; root top dressing – 5L/1m2 |
Top dressing of plants in the budding phase, after flowering, at the beginning of ovary fall and during fruit growth |
Dose of application | Time, application features |
Solution: “Soil Constructor” 5ml dissolved in 1L of water Consumption of the working solution: foliar top dressing – 1-3 l/ 10 m2; root top dressing – 1-3 l/10 m2 |
Top dressing of plants after the germination of 2 castings, then with an interval of 10-15 days |